Kancha Ilaiah on how caste works in riots.

During the Babri Mosque demolition, the jail records show that hardly any upper caste youths have gone to jail in riot cases and that most undertrials were/are OBCs and Muslims. For example the Ram Janambhumi movement, the OBCs are treated as Hindus; but when it comes to the question of modernizing them they are the 'others'. By keeping OBC youth uneducated and unemployed, a lumpen reserve army remains readily available for use by the Hindutva forces. OBC children are being admitted into Saraswati Shisu Mandirs mostly to train them as Hindu militants. The children of top Sangh Parivar and BJP leaders get good English education to become future NRIs. As Hinduism did not allow Dalits to enter temples, they began to move towards Islam, Christianity and Buddhism. If the secularists and the communists do not allow the OBCs to grow in their organizations Modi will become their national leader and their Prime Ministerial candidate too. And in such situation, feeble OBC voices like mine will be drowned. Let the OBCs think: should their children live like this forever?

~~~~Kancha Ilaiah, 2002.


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