University of Hyderabad Students' Union Elections 2023(UoHSU) and my experience.

Ambedkar Students' Association (ASA)-UoH is not an organization, it's a Social Movement. When Mondal commission was going to implement for OBCs we have seen a tremendous protest from Brahminical forces against the implementation of Mondal commission the countries capital was occupied by them where students from mainly DU was leading the Brahminical forces and when Tsunduru Massacre was going on against Dalit at that juncture our Dalit-Bahujan scholars from UoH came up with Ambedkar Students' Association (ASA) as an autonomous students organization to assert our own  identity who were deprived in the Brahminical society for thousands of years. For a long time, a gaze of criminalisation has been fixed on Dalit-Bahujan people, always suspected for criminality and disorder. But from the day of University General Body Meeting (UGBM) to declaration of elections result, the students of ASA exposed the falsity and prejudice inherent in the gaze, by maintaing perfect discipline and decorum despite of all provocations from Right wing Brahminical forces. We have taught the campus community how student politics should be. We have fought this elections under the leadership of a Dalit woman lady Sabari Girija Rajan  who is happens to be the first woman President of ASA. Spending lakhs of rupees on DJ nights, cultural programme, city tour, flights ticket from Delhi to Hyderabad by Right wing Brahmical forces and University guest house become war room for them during the elections time. The day when ASA has announced it's candidatures specially the Presidential candidate Prajwal Gaikwad  was facing a preplanned, structured organized attack from all the side, from character assassination to what not. Within a night thousands of mail of character assassination was circulated to whole University students in to their official e-mail I'd by people of outside campus.Where to get a official mail I'd from admin we wait days and days how they get access of all the official mail id and circulate it within one night. The Brahminical right wing forces tried every kind of dirty politics and tricks only to fight against the first generation Dalit-Bahujans learners of ASA, apart from electoral win this fear in the mind of Brahmanical forces is a moral victory for ASA. When we were marching from Ambedkar Auditorium to North Shop Com to garland brother Rohith's stupa after the final declaration of elections result one Comrade from SFI asked me "Rupam why you are looking sad, today is for celebration." I was just going through the all their dirty politics and tricks how much they are desperate of seeing our leaders leading the caravan of Babasaheb. Our leaders has given their life and the carrier for ASA. ASA did everything for marginalized people in the campus of UoH except Taking Guns into our hands. Without having any parent organization inside and outside the campus surviving for nearly 30 years fighting every moment with Brahminical Administration of UoH  shows ASA's commitment towards social justice. Last but not the least if asserting our own identity who were deprived for thousands of years from Brahminical forces  is Casteism then yes we all are proudly Casteist.  Long live ASA.

Neel Salam, Jai Bhim to newly elected UoHSU 2023.



Cultural Secretary 2022-23, Ambedkar Students' Association (ASA).


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